Due to the current pandemic, effective March 30, 2020 until further notice, Bouncing Bubbles will remain open for those who require care due to work. All other families are asked to keep their children out of childcare to help avoid exposure. While this temporary limitation of care is in place, payment of fees is not required unless you are utilizing childcare. The status of childcare will be evaluated every week and updates will be posted on this page.
We will be monitoring children in care very closely. Any child with a fever or cough will be required to leave childcare immediately. As is our normal practice, we will be vigilant with hand-washing and sanitizing to help maintain a healthy environment.
For school-age children who have homework or distance learning, we will assist them as much as is feasible. Internet access will not be available to children.
Please take every precaution to stay healthy and hopefully this crisis will end for everyone very soon. I you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call, text or email me.
Stay well